The Miracle of a Human Touch

by Cattie
(Mumbai, India)

What is this great Power of Touch !
Which Everyone seems to like so Much ?

Touch is the most natural form of communication,
To feel, is the most beautiful Sensation.

We need touch just as much as sunlight, water, and food,
A Gentle Touch can change your mood.

From Birth, we feel the Touch of our Mother’s Womb,
With our Parents Touch, into an Adult we Bloom.
A Touch is a Body Mind and Soul, Connection,
Its Effect on you, is deeper than any Ocean.

In times of trouble, When U don’t know ‘what’ to Say,
Just your touch, can make everything Okay.

A comforting hand squeeze, or a simple hug,
Is a Healing touch, better than any medical drug.

A Tight Hug, cud be a Strong Assurance,
While a Nasty Push, can be a sort of Vengeance.

A daily Hug, from your loved ones, is Best,
It helps you, cross the day, full of Zest.

Reaching out and Touching a person in despair,
Is The Most Beautiful way to say, You Care.

A Touch helps create a Bond,
It never fails to get back a Respond.

A Human Touch is a powerful Medicine,
It heals your Body and helps you Freshen.

No wonder, in the world of Today,
A Good SPA, helps you, take your Stress Away.

Some people caress and love their Pets,
The Stress and Loneliness, they tend to forget.

Even huge Organisations have learnt the Trick,
To ‘Keep a Personal Touch’, earns them Goodwill with the Public.

So Friends, go, Hug someone out there,
Spread that Un-Conditional Love, everywhere.

Remember to Hug, atleast once a day,
And let those worries and tensions drift away.

And Don’t Forget to Always ‘Keep in Touch’.
Because a ‘Touch’ can speak so Much.

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