Mumbai City

Welcome to the definitive Mumbai guide, a source for everything Mumbai including the top sights and attractions in Mumbai, places to stay and things to do!

Everyone ends up in Mumbai at some point in their trip, hell, most people start there. I'd even go as far as to say that unless you haven't been to Mumbai you haven't been to India. It's truly an amazing place, one can sit and stare and watch for weeks even months in complete awe. How does this city exist like this, I think no one really knows!

Unless you've done the inner city trains at rush hour and driven Marine drive then your missing out on India.

Unless you've watched the sunset from Chalpati beach, eaten at the famous taj mahal hotel and visited the thieves market, then you cannot say you have been to Mumbai.

Take the inner city trains at rush hour and you will better understand the word 'overcrowding'. Take a look at the largest slum in the world and get another perspective on poverty. Eat on top of the Taj Mahal hotel and you will soon understand what elegance really means and give a Rupee to a beggar and his family sat on the steps of a porche garage and you will understand inequality.

It can, if you wish, be likened to the home of India, the hub, the center where the magic happens. A city like no other, Mumbai is a seething mass of people and another world entirely separated to the west by race, population, food, politics, religion and the rest!

Mumbai City Guide

Mumbai city is the fastest paced, most modern and western city in all of India and is the capital of Maharashtra, a desert like state in the West of India. The bustling and fascinating city was and still is known by many as 'Bombay' (from Bom Baim meaning 'good bay') and now derives it's name from the 'Mumba Devi', a temple built after the famous Diety. The city is built over a complicated network of 7 islands connected by vast bridges. Due to this limited land mass and the serious overcrowding, huge areas of sea have simply been filled in so they could be built on.

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