Is a green card enough for India Visa


I am thinking about going on vacation in Goa soon, but I am concerned about the visa requirements. Is a green card enough for India Visa

I live in LA as a permanent resident with a green card, but I am a Russian citizen... so, to obtain a visa for India, will the green card be enough or I will need to contact Russian embassy?

By Kate from Los Angeles

And the answer...

Hi Kate

Thanks very much for your question, it is a very interesting situation your are in.

As far as I know you will have to contact the Indian embassy in LA.

Because you do not have an American passport you can not get a visa to India as an American resident. The visa has to be registered to the same country as the person/passport is. This meaning that the answer is that a green card is not enough for an India visa

Applying for an Indian visa is very easy to do, print of an application form which you can find on a site like this one and follow the instructions from there.


As far as I know my knowledge is correct but I could be wrong. I suggest Kate, that you ring up your local Indian Embassy or tourist office who will be able to provide with information as to what you exactly need to do to get a Indian Visa.

Your closest tourist office is only about about a half hour drive from you..

India Tourist office
3550 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles
CA 90010-2485

Click here for the map

Good luck and enjoy your trip!


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